A Soldiers Wife

She walked across the street,
As she did every Sunday morning,
But each Sunday it was harder,
Her pains would come without warning…

Her spirit was willing but as time passed,
Her flesh was becoming weak,
What would happen if she couldn’t visit,
The future was looking bleak…

It was a day in the spring,
In the year 1944,
When the news came,
That her husband was lost in the war…

He had died in World War 2,
Her husband of only 3 short years,
But every time she visited the gravesite,
It was just as hard to hold back the tears…

Her plans were shattered,
When the news came from overseas,
No children to raise and life was lonely,
Her pain would never ease…

She was the only daughter,
Of a couple who lived in a small city,
Her parents and brother were gone,
This woman needed some pity…


She never learned to drive a car,
And took buses and trains every day,
They were her only means of transportation,
For her there was no other way…

She went to church every Sunday,
And visited her husband again,
This little sweet lady of 90,
Afraid her visits would have to end…

Dedicated to all the families who have lost 
soldiers in any war on this Memorial Day 2006….


5/26/06 ©2006